Whether you are a student of ESL, Brazilian-Portuguese or colloquial Spanish, you will be continuously absorbing new grammatical concepts along with their pronunciation components – all of which will be faithfully recorded in a form that you can take home and practice through focused written & oral exercises until the next lesson. Which of the 6 book levels will be the most appropriate entry point for your journey across your chosen language depends on how you fare on a diagnostic (grammar / usage) evaluation which we’ll do at the outset (free, of course). As mentioned above, each of the six course levels involves the completion of a textbook and a workbook, with grammatical, conversational, reading, writing and audio (listening) components. Individual classes are available, and for those on a budget there are also classes for small groups (that means, at a group rate – please click on Program/Tuition Fees on the Main Page for more information on classes and fees).
Whether you are an American who routinely does business with speakers of either Spanish or Brazilian-Portuguese, or you are a non-native speaker of English looking to improve your ability to communicate for work and social opportunities here in America, here’s your chance to have an organized, challenging and fun orientation on a new language/culture from a veteran language teacher who will meet with you on your level and help you to build on whatever you’ve already acquired in the target language.
Please contact us at perfect_englishESL@outlook.com or by phone at (U.S.) 1-732-693-9044 for more information. For those in the New York/New Jersey area who would like to set up a visit to Perfect English, contact us and let us know when you’d like to come. We’ll set you up with a free diagnostic test, discuss your personal availability and decide what is the best program /course for you to embark on. Come and have a look at what we do to make language acquisition easy for you and for all our students!